MTBO World Ranking Event - 2 days | Šaštín-Stráže, Slovakia | April 28-29, 2012


Slovak Orienteering Federation, Junácka 6, 832 80 Bratislava – Slovakia


Slovak Championships in MTBO 2012 in middle distance

Slovak Championships in MTBO 2012 in long distance

2 competition of World Ranking Event

1st and 2nd round of Slovak Cup in MTBO 2012

1st and 2md round of Czech Cup in MTBO 2012

1st and 2nd round of Hungarian Cup in MTBO 2012

Open competition in MTBO – Cup of Šaštín-Stráže Mayor

Official results: 28. 4. 2012 (Saturday) – middle distance

   29. 4. 2012 (Sunday) – long distance

Organizer: City of Šaštín-Stráže and Slovak Orienteering Federation

Technical Realization: ŠK VAZKA Bratislava

Date: 28. 4. 2012 (Saturday) – middle distance

  29. 4. 2012 (Sunday) – long distance

Classification of races: individual race in MTBO in middle and long distance with given order of control points

Event centre: Gazarka resort, Šaštín-Stráže for both days

Terrain: mostly flat, several undulating parts with short and steep ups and downs, sandy ground, high density of tracks and paths. In the forest there are ongoing forest activities, timber production, etc., which may result in change of paths clasification, such changes may not be updated in the map.

Map: Lásek, 1:15 000, e 2,5 m, for MTBO, format of A3 or A4

Organizing committee:

Event director Miroslav Lago

Main referee, National advisor Marian Kazík

IOF and Czech Cup advisor Jan Urban

Course Setters (Saturday) Mikuláš Šabo

Course Setters (Sunday) Peter Mlynárik, Stanislava Fajtová

Jury: Tamás Jankó HUN, Zdeněk Laciga CZE, Boris Ďurčo SVK

Competition evaluation: During both days of competition very high tempetures endured, windy and sunny weather was present. Time schedule was met. More than 450 competitors from 12 countries took part in this event. No serious injuries occured, minor injuries were treated by sanitarist in the event centre. No protests were received. Winning times were in line with competition rules in MTBO of Slovak Orienteering Federation, in some categories in middle distance they hit the lower limit edge, in long distance they achieved upper limit of expected winning times.

Winning times of World Ranking Event:
W21E – middle distance: in allowed margin, long distance: limit exceeded by 4 minutes
M21E – middle distance: winning time shorter by 4 minutes, long distance: limit met, hit the upper edge

Following competitors were disqualified on Saturday race due to the violating of rule prohiting the riding outside of tracks: Godunov Eduard RUS (start # 6 – not respecting the warnings of tracks referee), Stryzhak Artem UKR (start # 22 – not respecting the warnings of tracks referee), Saarela Samuli FIN (riding on prohibited track at the end of the race, pre-last controls)

On Sunday, at the begining of long distance race one control (# 79) was stolen. Organizer replaced missing control point within few minutes, though several competitors from categories M 17 (12th control in a row, out of 13) and W 40 (9th control out of 10) were affected. Main referee, after the discussion with IOF and Czech Cup advisor, made a decision in correcting of results in following matter:

Class M 17 finished the race on 11th control point (# 55)

Class W 40 finished the race on 8th control point (# 58)

For Slovak Cup ranking of class W 50 the result achieved on 8th control (# 58) will count.

Main referee approved both competitions in full scale. First three competitors in each category, including open categories, were awarded with small presents. In categories of Slovak Championships the winners were awareded with a title of Slovak Champion in MTBO 2012 in Middle/ Long Distance. 

Slovak Champion titles were given in following categories:

Middle distance – M 21, M 40, M 50, W 21, W 40

Long disctance - M 21, M 40, M 50, W 40

In other categories no title of Slovak Champion was granted due to low number of competitors (minimum of 3 competitors is required). First three competitors in each category of Slovak Championships were honoured with a medal and a diploma and a small present.

Acknowledgement: We would like to highlight a very nice cooperation and colaboration with the mayor of Šaštín-Stráže and organizing committee. We would like to thank to our sponsors:

Aone Nutrition, Haven, VUKI, Garmin, Force, Víno Masaryk, Mrva&Stanko, McCarter, Soitron, Ostrožovič, Villa Vino Rača, Max Media, Majolika Modra, Športservis, McDonald's, Hudy sport, Tamex, Termovel, Satur, FaxCopy, Koliesko, Metrostav, ateliér o[tvor]b, Gazárka, CHKO Záhorie, Lesy SR, KÚŽP Bratislava, OLÚ Senica, Majerník

For Slovak and Czech Cup we ask for average of point for the following organizers:

VBA Peter Mlynárik, Rastislav Malátek, Mikuláš Šabo, Juraj Opršal, Eva Králová, Alena Trnovcová, Ľudmila Grauzelová,Daniela Trnovcová, Matúš Trnovec, Barbora Šmelíková, Milan Kováč, Andrej Žitňan, Veronika Žitňanová, Petr Šenk, Natália Kasalovská, Andrej Cully, Zuzana Cully, Ján Cully, Katharina Cully, Matej Müller, Adam Müller, Miriam Ježeková, Oľga Lago, Miroslav Lago

RBA Juraj Šmelík, Tomáš Mazúr

RCP Marian Kazík

SBK Jan Urban

Miroslav Lago, Event director

Marian Kazík, main referee